28 Fricker Road, Illovo, Sandton, 2196
Skills Panda is a black-owned youth development agency that was started by youth, for youth. We help skill and place the country’s top talent at various companies in South Africa. We achieve this through the use of technology to enable learning, inclusion, and employment among South African Youth.
The Skills Panda Youth Community is a digital community fuelled by passion and opportunity specifically curated for South African youth. Our solutions and approach are focused on the creation of employment specifically for the township and rural youth through:
Our skills programmee are selected out of an existing SETA Accredited qualification for the purpose of skills development or advancement.
Soft Skills also make part of our curriculum to equip our learners in their journey into the workplace environment.
With our SETA and Microsoft accredited courses, you can be sure that you are receiving the highest quality education possible.
Skills Panda has External SDF Services
that we offer our clients
at no upfront cost.
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